New pc style /+ comment 7/
Hello readers! Im here again with windows 7 styles! this is my new style:

What I keep? : - Rainmeter
- Rainmeter skins
- Icons
- Rocket dock

Whats new? - windows theme; is a vista style called ichigo pistachio, check second pic and u will notice the look. ( to apply vista styles to windwos 7 you need a software named Universal Theme )
- xwidget
- xwidget skins ( in this case slide text monster on top and cute menu on left)

I will leave you here links to download NEWS ( old ones are in past posts, check it below)

Ichigo pistachio theme: Download
Xwidget: Download
Xwidget skins: Download
Universal theme: Download

+ posted on 26 ago 2012 at 15:55